How positive affirmations can support your weight loss goals

We all know that a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a great diet is key to successful weight loss. However, did you know that your mindset can also play an important part?

A positive mindset can be just as important as healthy habits, with negative self-talk sabotaging your success! But for some reason, the psychological element of your weight loss journey is often overlooked.

So, ladies, what are positive affirmations, and how can you use them to get you closer to your healthy lifestyle goals? Read on to find out more.

What are positive affirmations?

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How we speak to ourselves and think about ourselves has a vital role in many aspects of your life. Basically, you are what you think you are. 

Positive affirmations are all about speaking to yourself kindly and visualizing your goals. The word affirmation comes from the Latin word, ‘affirmare’, which means ‘to make steady and strengthen’. When used to empower, positive self-talk can amplify your confidence and boost your motivation, helping you lose weight. By visualizing your weight loss goals, positive affirmations and self-talk can bring you closer to your goals faster than you might realize!

But that’s not all, ladies! Positive affirmations can also help reduce your stress levels, keep you grounded, improve your focus, and help to better your overall health and wellbeing.

So, that’s what positive affirmations are, now let’s talk about how they can help.

How can positive affirmations help?

When you genuinely believe in what you’re trying to achieve, it shifts your mindset and allows you greater control of your body. This makes it easier to make changes, like following a healthier lifestyle.

Not convinced? Think about January and our New Year resolutions. Many of us create goals for the year ahead, but if your heart isn’t really in it, it’s so easy to fall off the wagon. However, when you affirm your goals verbally and say them to yourself regularly, you’re stamping out any negative thoughts.

Obviously, positive affirmations for weight loss won’t work on their own. You need to turn them into reality. Think of positive affirmations as a brain detox, getting rid of all self-deprecating thoughts so you can pave the way for new healthy habits!

Also Read: Does intermittent fasting help to boost weight loss?

Repeating positive affirmations daily, always spoken in the present tense, can help you stay motivated and affirm what you’d like to be.

Creating a healthy lifestyle to keep you motivated through your weight loss journey

Whether you want to lose a lot of weight or just fit back into a pair of jeans, it can be tricky to stay motivated, especially if you see others around you dropping off the pounds. Do you wonder how it can be so easy for them to lose weight and make the right food choices?

Unfortunately, when we’re stressed, upset, or fed up, many of us turn to junk food and snacks. Whilst getting into the right mindset will help, filling your kitchen with healthy foods is also essential. However, positive thinking and affirmations can help you have more understanding of the way we’re feeling and why we eat impulsively. Positive affirmations put you in the driving seat of your weight loss journey.

Believe us, ladies, self-love can take you a long way.

How to use positive weight loss affirmations

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It sounds simple, but if you’re not saying the right things to yourself, how can you possibly get into the right mindset? Repeating affirmations like: ‘I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep the weight off’ will help you stay engaged with your healthy living goals and edge you closer to your weight loss goals.

Also Read: What is a calorie deficit and how can it help you lose weight?

Ready to start practicing self-love, positive affirmations, and a more positive outlook? Then these positive affirmations for weight loss will have you eating healthily, exercising regularly, and smashing your weight loss goals in no time!

Our favorite positive affirmations for weight loss

  1. I am not afraid to say no.
  2. Losing weight is natural for me.
  3. I am eating foods that contribute to my well-being.
  4. I enjoy the taste of healthy food.
  5. I exercise to enjoy a strong, toned body.
  6. I love the feeling of exercise.
  7. I can visualize myself at my ideal weight.
  8. I am happily achieving my weight loss goals.
  9. I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.
  10. I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
  11. I eat only when I feel hungry.
  12. I control how much I eat.
  13. I find it easy to lose weight.
  14. I deserve to have a lean, healthy, and attractive body.
  15. I enjoy exercise.
  16. I easily choose healthy snacks over junk food.
  17. I eat lots of fruits and veggies.
  18. I can easily reach and maintain my ideal weight.
  19. I think positively and naturally lose weight.
  20. I am a disciplined eater.
  21. I find it easy and enjoyable to keep fit.
  22. I eat balanced meals every day.
  23. I am continuing to develop healthier eating habits.
  24. I am losing weight every day.
  25. I have a healthy mind and body.

How to use these positive affirmations

The best way to practice using these positive affirmations for weight loss is to keep them written somewhere that you can see them, whether written down in a notebook, around your mirror, or in the notes section of your phone. Anywhere you see frequently, you can visit and repeat a few times a day.

Come on, ladies, let’s be honest; losing weight isn’t easy, and for many of us, healthy eating doesn’t come naturally. However, it’s easier to choose healthy foods and love hitting the gym when you believe in yourself and your goals. When you have confidence in yourself and your goals, being healthy will become second nature to you.

Six top tips for utilizing weight loss affirmations

Also Read: How to regain your workout motivation

It’s important to repeat these positive affirmations daily to support your goals. Although affirmations aren’t just great for helping you lose weight, they can help you feel more in control and confident in other areas of your life.

Keep it simple

Choose a few weight loss affirmations that resonate with you, and after a few days, you’ll start to remember them easily. It’s important to keep them short and memorable.

Speak with confidence

You’re trying to introduce a new way of life into existence here, ladies! Stand tall, perk up your posture, and relax your shoulders. Now, repeat your positive affirmations slowly and confidently.

Feel the emotion

These are supposed to be positive affirmations, so inject some positivity when reading your affirmations. Get excited, start visualizing yourself enjoying healthy foods, hitting the gym, and losing weight!

Practice makes perfect

The more you repeat your weight loss affirmations, the more you’ll start to relate to them and truly feel them.

Work with a trainer or a friend

Sometimes we could all do with a bit of support! Whether hiring a PT, going running with a friend or having a coach to help you with some accountability, get someone to read your affirmations back to you. This will help you to reinforce the positive message!

Support your weight loss goals with Trimtone

Repeating these positive affirmations can only help shift your mindset, giving you an injection of positivity and taking you closer to your weight loss goals.

But if you do need a little help in supporting your weight loss, Trimtone is always here to help you achieve your goals faster than ever before. Our 100% natural ingredients have been carefully selected to help you burn fat, reduce cravings, and boost your metabolism.

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